May 2, 2022COVID-19 vaccine in solid organ transplant recipientsHong Kong Society of Transplantation COVID-19 vaccine in solid organ transplant recipients Introduction The novel coronavirus (COVID-19)...
Apr 17, 2022Information for Organ Transplant Recipients Diagnosed with COVID-19If an organ transplant recipient is diagnosed with COVID-19, the patient should be isolated in accordance with the instructions of the...
Feb 20, 2022接種第三劑新冠肺炎疫苗能減低器官移植病人感染變種病毒的機會自新冠肺炎肆虐全球,各國出現多種變異病毒。此類變種病毒具高度傳染性。接種疫苗是現時最有效能預防新冠肺炎的辦法之一。而外國文獻顯示,腎臟移植病人接種第三劑(加強劑) mRNA 新冠肺炎疫苗後,比只接種兩劑疫苗的病人有更高的抗體量,以對抗多個變異病毒感染。...
Feb 13, 2022預防新冠肺炎感染,請立即接種疫苗香港現正面臨第五波疫情,每日確診數目過千,情況非常嚴峻。已接受器官移植病人,及在器官移植登記冊上輪候的病人是高危人士。過去研究指出,此類病人較容易受到新冠肺炎病毒感染。感染病毒後,他們更容易出現呼吸困難,器官衰竭,甚至死亡。...
Apr 9, 2021COVID-19 vaccine in solid organ transplant recipientsIntroduction The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has infected more than 100 million patients worldwide and resulted in 2 million...