Date: 21 April 2013 (Sun)
Venue: Ballroom, Island Shangri-La Hotel, Pacific Place, Hong Kong
Program of AGM 2013 (View)
Powerpoint of the talk:
Hemodynamics-compliant vascular reconstruction
for living donor liver transplantation (Prof. Shin Hwang) <View>
Transplantation of the diabetic – islets, pancreas or kidney? (Prof. Jeremy Chapman ) <View>
An overview of stem cells – are they ready for the clinics? (Prof. Anskar YH Leung) <View>
Split Liver Transplantation (Dr. William W Sharr) <View>
Extended criteria donor kidney transplant in Hong Kong (Dr. Yiu Wing Ho) <View>
Organ donation promotion activities 2012-2013 (Dr. Cindy BY Choy) <View>
Optimizing outcome of organ transplantation - a critical review of contemporary immunosuppressive therapy (Prof. Jeremy Chapman) <View>
Updates on liver transplantation for liver malignancies (Prof. Shin Hwang) <View>